Dear Hymenopterists,
There will be an in-person ISH symposium during the Entomological Society of America in Vancouver in November 2022:
Sunday 13 November 2022 13:30 to 15:30, followed by a social
Vancouver Convention Centre, Meeting Room 220
This year we are introducing an open session (from 14:10): this is an opportunity for ISH members to present work that would not have fitted well in the official ESA program, make short communications (or give a presentation if you missed the deadline for submission…); the format is open but presentations will be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes. If it is Hymenoptera related we want to hear about it!
If you are interested please send a title and short abstract, to n.dale-skey [at] before 31 October 2022. The presentations in this session will not be included in the ESA program but will be circulated to the membership in advance of the meeting.