Student & Early Career members: survey + journal manuscript reviewer list

Are you an ISH member, and a student or Early Career Professional or Researcher? Shelby Kilpatrick, the society student representative, would like you to complete a survey by Friday 5th June 2020, so that she can learn about your interests and how she can support them:

Miles Zhang, our Social Media Officer, has created a form for student and Early Career members who would like to be considered as a potential journal manuscript reviewers to sign up on: Please view the message at the top of the form for additional details. We hope that this form creates opportunities for our members!

ICE postponed

For information: the International Congress of Entomology has been postponed until July 2021 (see information on For people who intended to attend and present, note in particular that

* already accepted abstracts remain accepted, and can be freely edited by authors to reflect new research, until April 30, 2021.
* submission deadline for new abstracts is extended until the end of February 2021.

Information on the ISH business meeting and symposium that was scheduled to take place during the Congress will be circulated at a later stage.

Job Advertisement

The 2020 recruitment campaign for researchers’ position at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle is open from Tuesday, February 25, 10 a.m. to Thursday, March 26, 2020, 4 p.m.

The job profile 4161 : MCMU Interactions biologiques, adaptations et diversification chez les hyménoptères (research and curation of MNHN Hymenoptera collection)

can be seen on:

– “Galaxie” portal of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

– Museum’s website

Applicants must register on Galaxie and upload their documents online. No spontaneous application will be accepted, nor any paper document.
Please note that applicants must necessary bee already registered on the qualification list of French lecturers (Maitres de Conférences) corps

The selection committees should be held between April and June 2020.

2022 Congress Location

The ISH Executive is excited to announce that lasi, Romania has been selected as the location for the 10th International Congress of the Society.

Congratulations to Lucian Fusu, Mircea-Dan Mitroiu and Ovidiu Popovici.

More details will be published in the next issue of Hamuli.

The Great ByCatch Migration

A post from our new newsletter Editor, Carly Tribull:

A lot of us use passive trapping, like Malaise Traps, and so get tons of Hymenoptera (and other insects) that sadly sit in catch-jars, never to be used. It would be nice if we could figure out a way of passing by-catch along from one hymenopterist to the next so that less specimens go to waste. I’m imagining a situation where you remove your study specimens first, then remove the remaining Hymenoptera and place them in a 25-30ml falcon tube (if I recall correctly, this is the cutoff for ‘small quantity exceptions’ for shipping specimens), and ship it to the first Hymenopterist in the migration chain. They take what they want, provide you with data/vouchers (as requested), and ship the tube on to the next person. Alternatively,  if you want to skip the labor of picking out Hymenoptera, you can send all the by-catch (who knows, maybe the Hymenopterist works next to a Coleopterist?). 

This will likely be impossible across international borders, but I’m guessing we can figure out some neat domestic sharing. A lot of us can’t afford to regularly travel to places like the CNC or other traditional by-catch repositories, and it could be useful for folks who need super fresh samples for DNA. 

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the following Google Document spreadsheet here (you must be a member of ISH to view the page).