
Welcome to the homepage of the International Society of Hymenopterists (ISH).

The aim of the society is to encourage scientific research and promote the diffusion of knowledge about sawflies, bees, ants, and other wasps. Membership is open to all persons with an interest in hymenopterans. If you are not yet a member, please consider joining the society.

Memberships support our journals, student grants, and our meetings, and as a member you will benefit from the large network of other Hymenoptera researchers, as well as the discounted page fees for the Journal of Hymenoptera Research.

As a member, you can also access our wonderful newsletter, Hamuli!

Header image: Male Eastern Cicada Killer (Crabronidae: Sphecius speciosus). Image (C) Miles Zhang 2017

The Journal

ISH publishes the Journal of Hymenoptera Research, an entomological journal dedicated to the study of the bees, wasps, and ants. Information about accessing articles or publishing in the journal is available on the journal website.

If you are a member of the society and unable to afford the journal page charges, you can apply for a fee waiver or reduction using the link available on this page. You must be logged into the website to access the page.

Current Officers (as of January 2024)

President: José Fernández-Triana

President-Elect: Juanita Rodriguez

Past President  Lars Krogmann

Secretary: Natalie Dale-Skey

Treasurer: Craig Brabant

Journal of Hymenoptera Research Editor: Michael Ohl

Student Representative: Jessica Awad

Webmaster: Erinn Fagan-Jeffries

Social Media Officer: Miles Zhang

Hamuli Editors: Emma Kärrnäs, Cristina Vasilita, & Louis F. Nastasi

Hamuli Editorial Assistants: Kendrick Fowler & Rob Longair

Regional Representatives Director: open for nominations

Archivist: Rebecca Kittel

ISH Constitution and Code of Conduct

Download the Constitution and the bylaws below (last updated 2023)

The International Society of Hymenopterists has a Code of Conduct for meetings. Please download and read it here.